Thursday, July 15, 2010

Grouchy People

What is it with grouchy people? Yes, I know we all have days when we grumble and grump around snarling and snapping at anyone that dares look at us. I'll be the first to admit I can be grouchy, but not all the time.

In my line of work I deal with hundreds of people a day on the phone, I run across more of these grinches than I care to count. However, most of the time I'm only on line with them an average of 1-3 minutes depending on their willingness to cooperate. Still I refuse to let some scrooge on the phone put me in a bad mood. I simply kill em' with kindness. No matter how angry they get I put on my super duper smiley face and get through the call. There are even times by the end of the call the person on the other end of the phone isn't as grouchy. Score one for the smiley side!

Co-workers on the other hand are a totally different story. It's not as easy to bring them over from the dark side with a smile and a "GOOD MORNING". They tend to turn and scurry away as if trying to protect themselves from the sunshine rays and grumble something I can only assume to be their attempt at good morning. I'm not exactly a morning person either but have decided to just embrace it with a smile and hope for the best.

I don't want to be at work as much as the next person but it's part of life. You either go out and work, find a rich someone to take you in and spoil you the rest of your life or get lucky enough to buy the winning lotto ticket and never have to work again. Since the majority of us find ourselves in the first group we find a job and we work.

I warned you about my rambling.....grouchy got in my head today, however I was able to maintain my normal bubbly,happy mood. Now that I've blogged about it I'm even happier!!


  1. good point. i know i will refer to this blog (in my head) the next time some ones bad attitude begins to infest me. thank you, joy

  2. Well said, Allie. I agree.
