Monday, October 10, 2011

Write First.....Edit Later!!

Hello my name is Joy and I edit as I write. There I said it, I've admitted that I practice a writing no no. I am 110% guilty of editing as I write!! Yes, I've been told and I've read it time and time again...."write first....edit later" I have really I's just not that least not for me. In fact to be totally honest...I've already stopped a couple of times to edit this piece. I can't help myself!! No matter how hard I try I just stop and fix it. It's so easy to hit the back space button on my laptop or simply flip my favorite pencil over and erase my boo boo and fix things when I'm writing. After all isn't that what they are for?

This is why I'm horrible at free writing....I start out fine ...words start popping out and things are going just fine until the first typo happens...grrrrr erase....delete...fix and continue. NO NO NO....keep writing ....keep writing fix it later. This is one of the reasons I get stuck at times...I stop to fix and when I do I end up thinking and thinking....slowing myself down sometimes even stopping a work in progress.

I think I've come up with a great idea to help me write without stopping to edit. Since I prefer to actually sit down with notebook and pencil to write I'm going to try using an ink pen(ugh) instead to see if I can break my bad habit. Since a regular ball point ink pen doesn't have an eraser or a back space button...perhaps I'll be able to just write...and write and edit later! It's worth a guarantees.

So until next time....I'm off to write.....with my ink pen...UGH!!

never give up!